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 Acumulativo al mes de mayo de 2019: 119

Buitron, G., Cardena, R., & Arcila, J. S. (2019). Bioelectrosynthesis of Methane Integrated With Anaerobic Digestion. Microbial Electrochemical Technology: Sustainable Platform for Fuels, Chemicals and Remediation, 899-919. doi:10.1016/b978-0-444-64052-9.00037-6.

Jair del, V., Mendoza, E., Alcerreca-Huerta, J. C., & Silva-Casarin, R.,  (2019). Numerical and experimental assessment of the reflection coefficient of rubble mound breakwaters with an "S" shaped profile. Tecnologia y Ciencias Del Agua, 10(2), 128-152. doi:10.24850/j-tyca-2019-02-05. FI: 0.216.

Juarez-Hernandez, S., & Sheinbaum Pardo, C., (2019). Irrigation energy use and related greenhouse gas emissions of maize production in Mexico. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 35(4), 701-723. doi:10.1080/07900627.2018.1482739.  FI: 1.895.

Hernández, C., Alamilla-Ortiz, Z. L., Escalante, A. E., Navarro-Díaz, M., Carrillo-Reyes, J., Moreno-Andrade, I., & Valdez-Vazquez, I. (2019). Heat-shock treatment applied to inocula for H 2 production decreases microbial diversities, interspecific interactions and performance using cellulose as substrate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(26), 13126-13134. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.03.124. FI: 4.229.

Hernandez, J., Montiel, J. C., Palacio-Perez, A., Rodríguez-Valdés, A., & Guzmán Vazquez, J. E. (2018). Horizontal evolution of intermittent gas-liquid flows with highly viscous phases. International. Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 6(1), 152-161. doi:10.2495/CMEM-V6-N1-152-161

Ladino, L. A., Raga, G. B., Alvarez-Ospina, H., Andino-Enriquez, M. A., Rosas, I., Martinez, L., Figueroa, B, Irish, V. E. (2019). Ice-nucleating particles in a coastal tropical site. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(9), 6147-6165. doi:10.5194/acp-19-6147-2019. FI: 5.509.

Letchindjio, C. G. F., Coutinho, D., Vargas, A., & Vande Wouwer, A. (2018). An LMI-based approach to the design of super-twisting observers with application to a lipase production process from olive oil by Candida rugosa. In M. Barbu, R. Solea, & A. Filipescu (Eds.), 2018 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (pp. 360-365).

López-López, J. C., Salinas-Vázquez, M., Verma, M. P., Vicente, W., & Galindo-García, I. F. (2019). Computational fluid dynamic modeling to determine the resistance coefficient of a saturated steam flow in 90 degree elbows for high reynolds number. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 141(11) doi:10.1115/1.4043495. FI: 1.915.

Mager, M., Jasso Rosales, M. Cetinoglu, O., & Meza, I. (2019). Low-resource neural character-based noisy text normalization. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 36(5), 4921-4929. doi:10.3233/jifs-179039. FI: 1.426.

Mayoral, J. M., Badillo, A., & Tepalcapa, S. (2018). Effects of Cracks on the Seismic Response of Soft Clay-Embankment Systems. In S. J. Brandenberg & M. T. Manzari (Eds.), Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V: Seismic Hazard Analysis, Earthquake Ground Motions, and Regional-Scale Assessment (pp. 359-367).

Mercado-Borrayo, B. M., Solis-Lopez, M., Schouwenaars, R., & Ramirez-Zamora, R. M. (2019). Application of metallurgical slag to treat geothermal wastewater with high concentrations of arsenic and boron. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 16(5), 2373-2384. doi:10.1007/s13762-018-1952-z. FI: 2.037.

Rueda-Bayona, J. G., Guzman, A., Eras, J. J. C., Silva-Casarin, R., Bastidas-Arteaga, E., & Horrillo-Caraballo, J. (2019). Renewables energies in Colombia and the opportunity for the offshore wind technology. Journal of Cleaner Production, 220, 529-543. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.02.174. FI: 5.651.

Rueda-Escobedo, J. G., Ushirobira, R., Efimov, D., Moreno, J. A. (2018). A Gramian-based observer with uniform convergence rate for delayed measurements. 2018 EUROPEAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ECC) pp. 1572-1577.

Sanchez, O., & Sierra, G. (2019). Joint Sentiment Topic Model for objective text clustering. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 36(4), 3119-3128. doi:10.3233/jifs-18530. FI: 1.426.

Sanchez, T., Efimov, D., Polyakov, A., Moreno, J. A., & Perruquetti, W. (2019a). A homogeneity property of discrete-time systems: Stability and convergence rates. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 29(8), 2406-2421. doi:10.1002/rnc.4497. FI: 3.856.

Silva Chavez, C., Caro, D., & Thomsen, M. (2019). Environmental Assessment of Alternatives for Biowaste Treatment in Mexico City. Frontiers in Energy Research, 7. doi:10.3389/fenrg.2019.00030

Torres-Freyermuth, A., Medellín, G., Mendoza, E. T., Ojeda, E., & Salles, P. (2019). Morphodynamic response to low-crested detached breakwaters on a sea breeze-dominated coast. Water (Switzerland), 11(4) doi:10.3390/w11040635. FI: 2.069.

Tovar, A. K., Godínez, L. A., Espejel, F., Ramírez-Zamora, R. -., & Robles, I. (2019). Optimization of the integral valorization process for orange peel waste using a design of experiments approach: Production of high-quality pectin and activated carbon. Waste Management, 85, 202-213. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2018.12.029. FI: 4.723.

Valdez-Vazquez, I., Castillo-Rubio, L. G., Pérez-Rangel, M., Sepúlveda-Gálvez, A., & Vargas, A. (2019). Enhanced hydrogen production from lignocellulosic substrates via bioaugmentation with clostridium strains. Industrial Crops and Products, 137, 105-111. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2019.05.023. FI: 3.849.